The official hotel of the Arizona Thespian Festival is the Hyatt Regency Downtown Phoenix. Sponsors please refer to your Troupe Director Festival Guidebook for pricing and specific instructions on making reservations.

TROUPE DIRECTORS: If you have any hotel questions, please email Mr. Vernier at [email protected]

Presenters, exhibitors and universities, reservations are made via your registration link provided in your registration application.
If you have any hotel questions please contact Robert Vernier at [email protected]

Out of town presenters please note: 

Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport offers convenient transportation options to the Hyatt Regency Downtown Phoenix.

The easiest option is Ride Share (Uber or Lyft). In addition, the Light Rail now goes between the airport and downtown Phoenix about ½ block from the hotel.  Please go to to plan your trip. The Sky Tram departs from Terminals 3 & 4 so you may need to ride this to get to the Light Rail. The stop on the light rail at the airport is 44th St. and Washington. Your downtown stop will be Washington & 3rd St.